PixelWhimsy™ No-Nonsense License Agreement
This License applies to the executable code for all versions of PixelWhimsy™ and any accompanying files. You should read this before you use or install this software. By using PixelWhimsy™ you agree to all of the terms of this agreement.
This is not free software. You are hereby licensed by Niftibits Software to use for evaluation purposes 1 copy of PixelWhimsy™, on 1 computer for a 45-day evaluation period. If you want to use it longer, you must pay for a full-use registration code through www.pixelwhimsy.com.
You are allowed to:
- Give copies of PixelWhimsy™ to anyone you want to for evaluation purposes only.
- Provide links to any URL underneath www.pixelwhimsy.com.
You are NOT allowed to:
- Charge or request donations for copies of PixelWhimsy™.
- Charge for providing links to any page under www.pixelwhimsy.com.
PixelWhimsy™ includes a user selectable feature to check for software updates. By selecting the option, you are consenting to allow Niftibits Software to access the internet from your computer and transfer non-personal information concerning your installation of PixelWhimsy™.
Do not share registration codes. PixelWhimsy™ registration codes are considered confidential and trade-secret information. You may not give, share, or sell registration codes to anyone. After the evaluation period, all users have to buy their own registration code from Niftibits Software using the purchase link under www.pixelwhimsy.com.
You agree to use this software at your own risk. PixelWhimsy™, and any and all accompanying files, are distributed and provided "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind. As with any software, it is likely that there are bugs in PixelWhimsy™ that will cause it to malfunction. Niftibits Software and its associates and employees shall not be held liable for any damages except to refund any registration fees paid by the user.
Niftibits Software is not responsible for any bad behavior on your part. At your own expense, you shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Niftibits Software and it associates and employees any claims or liabilities of any kind relating to any claim related to: (i) any use by you of PixelWhimsy™ other than as expressly allowed by this License; (ii) any breach of this License by you; or (iii) any violation of applicable law by you.
This License is the complete statement of the agreement between Niftibits Software and the user of PixelWhimsy™.
Copyright© 2007-2008 Niftibits Software. All rights reserved.